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Part A: Food Commons Project Details
Description Of Activities:

Belzgreenzandherbz is in primary production in the innercity of Johannesburg. We grow fresh produce. Quality is our main priority and reliabity is on top. We are small scale famers with 300 square meters, but are producing 3600 crops monthly because we do hydroponic. We supply restaurants in braamfontein, do markets monthly at Wits,sell door to door for students in Braamfontein and the innercity community/ We sell to anyone who need our products. We are growing lettuce, celery, mint, spring onion, thyme, basil, spinach, onion, carrots, cabbage and oreganum. We process basil to make salt, avocado to oil and we also do lavender oil.

We want to increase our scale. Learning is our tool, we take and run with advice. Access to markets will help us reach our goal.

Email Address:
17 Hoofd Street, Johannesburg, South Africa, Gauteng, South Africa